⚡️Horoscope 2020 Prediction⚡️For Your ZODIAC SIGN?
By  anonymous
Jan. 08, 2025


What do you secretly wish for? Your 2020 Horoscope helps you turn your wildest dreams regarding love, career, finances, and life in general into realities. So stop pinching yourself, because with this report in hand you're already wide awake and on your way to living your best life!

Aries Horoscope 2020


You’re a fire sign who’s always ready for whatever challenges life brings, and this year is no different. Step up and conquer the world!

You feed off the fast-paced energy from your dynamic power planet Mars and 2020 starts with this aggressive planet in Sagittarius, the sign of adventure and knowledge. World travel now is an amazingly eye-opening experience now, rich with valuable learning experiences. It will take another several months, until the end of June, until Mars reaches its most dominant placement in your sign, where it will stay for the next two months. Winning is your main objective and yes, you can be a sore loser!

Taurus Horoscope 2020


The horoscope 2020 readings for Taurus suggest that at the beginning of the year, the ruling planet Venus will be in the 9th house indicating a bright and successful year for you. 


From 11th May onwards, Saturn will turn retrograde and this will cause issues in your work and luck fronts. If you feel stuck at work then try to take a step back and relax, give yourself time to think and then resume your work. 

Jupiter will turn progressive on 13th September and will fill you up with positive energy. With luck on your side, you will be able to complete all that was pending or needed your attention.

Gemini Horoscope 2020


This year the three periods between February 6 and March 9, June 17 and July 11, and October 13 and November 2 are all dates to be aware of. It’s also important to note that all three retrogrades pass through emotional water signs, which advise you to slow down when dealing with the obstacles like miscommunications, misunderstandings and commuting mishaps. This will be challenging for you, Gemini, but you can do it.

Cancer Horoscope 2020


The horoscope 2020 readings for the Cancerians, the moon will stay in the eighth house, which in the initial times can make you a little worried about your health. This year, you will get great opportunities to participate in contests.

Saturn will turn retrograde on May 11th and this can result in obstacles in your marriage or at your workplace. If possible, try to postpone any important task at the moment. On the 29th of September, the path of Saturn will become progressive and only then should you resume all your work and expect success out of it.

Leo Horoscope 2020


Wounded Chiron is also traveling in driven Aries (who rules the first house of self and is a fellow fire sign) this year - which can throw you full on into “who am I?” mode. An identity crisis is one of your worst nightmares and can put a lot of stress on your ego. Luckily you get a break from this angsty energy between the beginning of July and middle of December, when this troubling pair goes retrograde and gives you some room to remember who you truly are.

Virgo Horoscope 2020


Saturn will change on 24th January after which you can find some good news. In fact, at the same time, Saturn’s movement will come to an end in your chart’s cycle, and things will begin to pick up the pace. 

On March 30, Jupiter will enter into Capricorn, where Saturn already exists in its own zodiac sign. beneficial results will be created due to the presence of Jupiter and Saturn in your chart. This will give you the opportunity to attain higher education or the blessing of having a child.  At the same time, the vision of Jupiter on your 9th house will make sure that you have good health throughout this time

Libra Horoscope 2020


Your sense of fairness drives you to success.

The one retrograde cycle your power planet experiences this year is from mid-May until the end of June while in brainy Gemini, causing you to think deeply about incongruities in your life. This transit encourages you to explore dualities in your life and work out love/hate relationships so you can find the balance and peace that you value so highly

The sun highlights your sign for a month starting in late September, so happy birthday cooperative, diplomatic Libra! Your beauty (inside and out) is evident, and you’re often looked up to as the standard by which other people want to live their lives. Decision-making can be a challenge now as you look for the ultimate fair solution, but sometimes there isn’t one that will make everyone happy.

Scorpio Horoscope 2020


The horoscope 2020 readings suggest that the lord of Scorpio, Mars sits in its own zodiac, due to which you will find success in your workplace. These circumstances will encourage you to buy that dream bike or car you have been planning to buy and you will have good health throughout.

On 20th November, Jupiter will be back to Capricorn again, progressing your work and increasing energy levels. Destiny will start to work in your favor.

Sagittarius Horoscope 2020


If you can envision it, you can make it a reality.

A retrograde period from the middle of May to mid-September gives you a chance to review your goals, and reconsider some of your opinions/ideals. If you’re on the right track, forge ahead. But if you’ve been wrong, admit it and change direction.

Capricorn Horoscope 2020


The horoscope 2020 readings suggest that Saturn, the ruling planet of Capricorn will sit in the 12th position of your zodiac.  It shows that the financial problems you faced last year will persist at the beginning of this year as well. Presence of 5 signs within your year horoscope chart, can create slight difficulties for you. But there will also be benefits for people who run their own businesses. You will get an opportunity to expand your business outside of the country at this time. You can get success in the field of import-export as well. 

Aquarius Horoscope 2020


The new year is full of changes and challenges!

Your home planet, Uranus, made a big move into steady Taurus last year, and these two very different energies aren’t the best of friends. Uranus is experimental and Taurus likes to take a conservative approach, so there will be some mismatched energy to deal with now. The retrograde period for your power planet this year is from mid-August until the end of the year, which should give you a slight break from the need for outward rebellion. Turning that rebellious streak inward, however, can create its own set of issues, so be prepared for inner battles that can lead you down the path to self-destruction (and ultimately redemption) this year.

Pisces Horoscope 2020


A mix of illusion and reality shapes your year.

For Pisces people, this year can be auspiciously rewarding. This year your 10th house will be occupied by Mercury, Jupiter, Sun, Saturn, Ketu together, which are making auspicious circumstances. With this effect, you will get new opportunities in your career. You will also get immense success in the business world.