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The world is an incredibly large expanse of land and seas full of different people, animals, cultures, language, cuisines many of which the average person will never get to explore in their lifetime. In fact, the average person never really gets to fully explore their country of residence never mind visiting another country for such event. This is why visiting different travel destinations for relaxation and tourism is on the bucket list of several people. Of course, this seem like a good idea, there are arguments for and against this venture which are worthy of your consideration.
Gives room for Planning
DariuszSankowski / Via Pixabay /
One meritorious aspect of bucket list is that they give you the impetus of preparation. It sort of brings some level of order and preparation into your schedule. It also introduce some fun and anticipation into your activities which could sort of make the trip even more memorable. Having a bucket list could help you pencil down notable destinations you want to visit and the fun places to visit and activities to indulge in. What's even better is that due to the planning involved, you are unlikely to forget anything behind unlike the conventional traveling.
Although, on the flip side, excess planning ahead of a trip can suck off the fun in it! The trip tend to lose its spontaneity and then it gets too predictable and boring due to you knowing too much of everything that destination has to offer. Planning too much could make everything you will encounter expected so there would be little or no surprises and could make the trip look less exciting.
Recall Travel Destinations
From the day you were born up till now, can you vividly recall all the places you have visited? I doubt if you will be able to exactly recall up to half of them! One advantage of keeping a bucket list is that it helps you remember places even after you have visited the place. Upon going through your bucket list, memories of the place tend to spring up naturally in your mind. Life is best lived with pleasant memories of various travel destinations visited over the past several years. It's always a pleasant memory sitting back and looking at pictures and videos of places you have visited.
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Depending on how adventurous you are, you are not likely to exhaust the activities on your bucket list. Rather than writing down interesting places you would like to visit without actually getting to visit these places, a more apt approach is to book a visit to your preferred destinations as soon as the time and resources for the travel arrives. Just go! Bucket list gets you to procrastinate which is not a good trait to imbibe. When you are ready for a trip, just go.
Without a shred of doubt, there is a mass of brilliant arguments that could be advanced as merits and demerits of keeping a bucket list for your vacation travels. One thing that remains impeccable though is that poor planning and excessive planning tend to ruin your travelling. So its best you bear this in mind prior to your next travel.
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